Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora)

Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora)

Twoflower Violet (Viola biflora) is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4900 meters elevation. Elevation: 4831 meters. Native range is temperate &…

Viola biflora

Viola biflora

Elevation: 3161 meters. Native range is temperate & subalpine Northern Hemisphere to Northern Sumatra.

Myrfiol (Viola palustris)

Myrfiol (Viola palustris)

Myrfiol (Viola palustris) vokser i store og tette bestander langs elven som renner ut i Sjølitjernet i Skogbygda. Faktisk kan jeg ikke huske å ha sett så store…

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

I encountered Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) in bloom in a few places in Firhmin Forest. It is a very variable species, and is found with spatulate…

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) is a very variable species, to the extent that this one is possibly a subspecies due to its spatulate (spoon-shaped) leaves,…

Heatwave and only one tree for shade

A herd finding shade under a lone tree

These Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) are huddled together, not for warmth, but in desperation for shade. This was the only tree standing in a vast stretch…

Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Namibia's Walvis Bay area is rich in wildlife, reliant on the abundance of marine life found in the cold and nutrient rich Atlantic waters, governed by the…

Leonia crassa

Leonia crassa

Leonia crassa is a very peculiar tree - full of fruits growing from the trunk, not the tip of the branches. I only encountered this tree, which stands in the…

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

Native range of ouratea spectabilis is Bolivia and Brazil.

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

A very strange shape I think, and I wonder what has driven it to these shapes, and in particular the color inside! If you squeeze the fruit, or simply pass a…