Withania adunensis

Withania adunensis

Withania adunensis is less common than the similar Withania riebeckii. The are distinguished by the fruiting calyx in Withania riebeckii being narrowly…

Lycium sokotranum

Lycium sokotranum

Lycium sokotranum is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 579 meters.

Lycium sokotranum

Lycium sokotranum

Lycium sokotranum is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation 57 meters.

Iphigenia socotrana

Iphigenia socotrana

My first encounter of Iphigenia socotrana, and what a perfect specimen! 22 October 2023 cyclone Tej hit Socotra, and with it extreme amounts of rain inundated…

Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium

Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium

Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 3721 meters. Native range is Nepal to China and North Myanmar.

Cortiella hookeri

Cortiella hookeri

Cortiella hookeri is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biome to 5600 meters elevation. Elevation: 4831 meters. Native range is Central & East Himalaya to…

Sikkim plant (Cortia)

Sikkim plant (Cortia)

Elevation: 4831 meters.

Sikkim plant (Cortia)

Sikkim plant (Cortia)

Elevation: 4831 meters.

Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)

Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)

Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) is an invasive species, introduced by humans. Native range is Texas to Central America, Caribbean.

Oreofraga morrisiana

Oreofraga morrisiana

Oreofraga morrisiana is endemic to Socotra.