Panax bipinnatifidus

Panax bipinnatifidus

Panax bipinnatifidus is found in Sikkim's temperate to subalpine biomes to 4000 meters elevation. Elevation: 2973 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China,…

Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani)

Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani)

A common and opportunistic bird that gladly eats from human feeding stations during its daily rounds in its range. It sounds like this:

Flaggspett (Dendrocopos major)

Flaggspett (Dendrocopos major)

Denne flaggspett (Dendrocopos major) ungen er fullt i stand til å fange sin egen mat nå, men sitter beleilig på denne døde grenen og håper foreldrene vil…

Passiflora mansoi UV

Passiflora mansoi UV

Perhaps equally beautiful in UV as in visible light? -15.2997,-55.8406

Passiflora mansoi

Passiflora mansoi

Many of the fruits are edible and even very sweet, including Passifloras. Native range of passiflora mansoi is central Brazil.

Passiflora mansoi

Passiflora mansoi

The protected areas of Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park is a treasure trove of plant species! The number of plant species is enormous, and I am really…

Passiflora mansoi

Passiflora mansoi

Native range of passiflora mansoi is central Brazil.