Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

På Fyrsteilene takler åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) presset fra de innvaderene og menneskeintroduserte artene som gravbergknapp (Phedimus spurius) fordi…

Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

Fyrsteilene har en stor bestand åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) og når de står i blomst kjenner du den milde og søfte duften når det er lite vind en dag med…

Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

Åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis)

Fyrsteilene har en stor bestand åkervindel (Convolvulus arvensis) og når de står i blomst kjenner du den milde og søfte duften når det er lite vind en dag med…

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

At around 800 meter elevation and up the Euryops arabicus were in bloom and thus a lot of insects gathered to eat from the huge number of flowers. This was one…

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Speckled Dashers (Genus Micrathyria)

ARCC dragonfly 03

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 02

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 01

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Wandering spider (Phoneutria reidyi)

Wandering spider (Phoneutria reidyi)

Deep inside Noel Kempff Mercado National Park there are few traces of human activities, and no other way to sleep than making a campground for the night. There…

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

In a garden of rock formations resembling many different animals I was baffled to suddenly stand in front of this Viscacha monitoring my movements.