Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Dette må være den største bestanden av tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris) jeg har kommet over. De vokser kun i et lite område langs en skogsvei som nylig har…

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Som soldugg må tettegress opptre langt mer vennlig mot sine ofre ellers i sesongen når de trenger å formere seg. Derfor er blomsten hevet høyt over de klebrige…

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea) er en umiskjennelig og kjær plante vi finner i tjern, vann og elver. Enkelte steder kan en komme på nært hold helt tørrskodd, som…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered several red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One had a damaged front leg and…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered quite a few red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One Hokkaido red Fox (Vulpes…