Southern Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas ssp. mesomelas)

Southern Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas ssp. mesomelas)

The jackal is an intelligent species that will exploit every available opportunity, and this one was assessing whether or not a human presence would be…

Dhole (Cuon alpinus)

Dhole (Cuon alpinus)

Wild and rare The national parks in India with a tiger population have almost all been rebranded and renamed a tiger reserve as in the public eye the tiger is…

Dholes in the monsoon

Dholes in the monsoon

Without rain this gorgeous landscape would have been brown, parched and bland, and the watchful dhole (Cuon alpinus) almost impossible to see unless moving.…

Dhole (Cuon alpinus)

Dhole (Cuon alpinus)

In the dry season the dholes would blend perfectly with the withered plants, but in the monsoon they stick out clearly. An endangered species that is…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

During my 14 day stay on Socotra I only found this Caralluma socotrana with a seed pod. And in what an exquisite state! The pod has just opened, and the seeds…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley…

Caralluma socotrana UV

Caralluma socotrana UV

A mesmerizing flower in shape, texture and color which is almost completely dark in UV. Native range of is East & South Ethiopia to Kenya, Socotra.……

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

En fantastisk flott øyenstikker som får meg til å assosiere med tropisk ovedådighet, men dette er altså ved det saktegående elvevannet som renner ut i…

Hoppeedderkopp (Heliophanus cupreus)

Hoppeedderkopp (Heliophanus cupreus)

Dette er andre arten av hoppeedderkopp jeg finner på favorittsolplassen! Denne var veldig interessert i å gjemme seg innimellom badehåndklet. Hver gang jeg…