Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

I've shot cat’s-eye sapphire (Lasaia arsis) times before, but I just can't help myself - and this shot I think really shows the splendor of this species!……

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Nightjars are naturally hard to see as they're nocturnal, but you definitely hear them and if you use their sound you can often locate them with a flashlight.…

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

There is a 9 km long trail (Poco Preto trail) from the main road that leads to the Iguaçu river. Here I found this cat's-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis) among many…

Svart høstlibelle (Sympetrum danae)

Svart høstlibelle (Sympetrum danae)

Sjølitjernet huser mange øyenstikkerarter, og en svart høstlibelle (Sympetrum danae) hadde tilhold i kjerringmyra nord for Sjølitjernet.

Headlight Beetle (Pyrophorus nyctophanus)

Headlight Beetle (Pyrophorus nyctophanus)

What an amazing sight! In the middle of the jungle in absolute darkness - a towering structure more than 2 metres tall - is dotted with countless tiny green…

Smith's Pixie (Melanis smithiae)

Smith’s Pixie (Melanis smithiae)

The very first encounter with the smith's pixie (Melanis smithiae) for me in Bolivia, and one of countless gorgeous butterfly species here in Noel Kempff…

Green Mantle (Caria mantinea)

Green Mantle (Caria mantinea)

Green Mantle (Caria mantinea) is a very tricky butterfly to follow, and when my salty pants seemed the only interesting spot to land I was out of options and…

Glittering Sapphire (Lasaia agesilas)

Glittering Sapphire (Lasaia agesilas)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Red-barred Amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria)

Red-barred Amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria)

Red-barred amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria) is one of innumerable species of butterflies and moths found here, this is on the trail from Tuichi river to Santa…

Cleonus Metalmark (Detritivora cleonus)

Cleonus Metalmark (Detritivora cleonus)

This is on the trail from Tuichi river to Santa Rosa lake – the much larger neighboring lake to Chalalan. -14.458595,-67.88089