King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)

King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)

Imagine the world without vultures! Most see vultures as dirty and unpleasant, but the fact is that without them decaying flesh of all species would…

King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)

King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)

Imagine the world without vultures! Most see vultures as dirty and unpleasant, but the fact is that without them decaying flesh of all species would…

Skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)

Skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)

En "blødende" skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)! Mangfoldet og antallet sopp som vokser i skogen nå er mer enn jeg kan huske på flere tiår. Det er helt…

Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Barbets are such colorful birds and when seen out in the open on a naked branch, you would not think of this as a bird very hard to locate once it’s in the…

Vanlig metallvannymfe (Lestes sponsa)

Vanlig metallvannymfe (Lestes sponsa)

I de grunne områdene sørsøst i Gjersjøen er det tett med vegetasjon og store mengder vanlig metallvannymfe (Lestes sponsa). Om man setter seg ned vil det innen…

Paradise Jacamar (Galbula dea)

Paradise Jacamar (Galbula dea)

Paradise jacamar (Galbula dea) is definitely the most beautiful of the jacamars! From the western canopy tower of Cristalino Jungle Lodge I enjoyed not just…

Rufous-tailed Jacamar (Galbula ruficauda)

Rufous-tailed Jacamar (Galbula ruficauda)

You'll probably hear the characteristic song before you'll see this beautiful bird. This rufous-tailed jacamar (Galbula ruficauda) is sitting on a branch…

Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)

Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)

There are two prominent species of birds around Iguaçu Falls, one being the common black vulture (Coragyps atratus). You'll see it in groups lounging in…

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)

As I'm sitting on the edge of the sheer cliff to cool off in the strong updrafts, this juvenile was checking me out a couple of times. Usually you only see…

Lobelia oligophylla

Lobelia oligophylla

Lobelia oligophylla grows alongside the springs, streams, rivers and some lagoons. Altitude: 4131 metres. Native range is Ecuador to southernmost South…