Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

When a group of 20-30 monkeys rush through the canopy, it's like swarm of sounds and movements. You mostly see some feet, tails, or furry bodies jump in and…

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Most of the time you hear but don't see the monkeys, as they are in the canopy, high above you in a very sharp background - the sky. If you're lucky you get a…

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Even though I was in a canoe on the Chalalan lake, and these monkeys were moving through the trees next to the lake, it was very hard to get clear views and…

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Yum-yum! If the monkeys are busy eating, they can be quite difficult to spot, and only when they move you'll have an idea of their location by the branches…

Common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)

Common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)

This was the only encounter I had with common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). You may see them anywhere, and in this case I didn't have to go more than a…

White-fronted Capuchin (Cebus albifrons)

White-fronted Capuchin (Cebus albifrons)

Many species of monkeys roam the land of Napo Wildlife Center. Best time to see them is when they are foraging for food like here, before 07:00 in the……

Burotstengelvikler (Epiblema foenella)

Burotstengelvikler (Epiblema foenella)

Burotstengelvikler (Epiblema foenella) er et ganske lite insekt, og en av de mange viklerartene som flyr inn gjennom de åpne vinduene. Som navnet tilsier er…

Krattrosevikler (Notocelia roborana)

Krattrosevikler (Notocelia roborana)

Krattrosevikler (Notocelia roborana) er en relativt liten nattsommerfugl som flyr gjennom de åpne viduene og inn mot innelyset denne julinatten. Larvene…

Bjørkeløvvikler (Apotomis betuletana)

Bjørkeløvvikler (Apotomis betuletana)

Bjørkeløvvikler (Apotomis betuletana) er en liten nattsommerfugl som her har satt seg på veggen mens jeg jobber på PC-en. Larven spiser som navnet indikere på…

Fløyelsringvinge (Erebia ligea)

Fløyelsringvinge (Erebia ligea)

Ser ikke fløyelsringvinge (Erebia ligea) så ofte i hagen, men flyr og oppholder seg som her ved veikanten ovenfor Sandbukta, og i skogen videre innover. Denne…