Spotted Eagle-Owl (Bubo africanus)

Spotted Eagle-Owl (Bubo africanus)

This very well camouflaged spotted eagle-owl (Bubo africanus) was sitting very close to the dirt road out of the Central Kalahari Game reserve, but did not…

Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata)

Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata)

A fantastic experience to have this beautiful crested owl (Lophostrix cristata) calling right outside my bedroom. I had hoped to be able to capture it and was…

Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata)

Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata)

A wonderful encounter thanks to a local bird lover that knows where to find them. They are easily heard during night, but as with most owls hard to see during…

Great curassow (Crax rubra)

Great curassow (Crax rubra)

A beautiful male great curassow (Crax rubra), foraging on the lawn of La Laguna Del Lagarte Lodge with several other individuals, looking for fallen fruits or…

Purple Pinwheel (Marasmius haematocephalus)

Purple Pinwheel (Marasmius haematocephalus)

This purple pinwheel (Marasmius haematocephalus) is one of many species of fungi growing on the Bom Bom islet, Principe. Humanity is still struggling with…

Principe puffball fungus, unknown species

Principe puffball fungus, unknown species

Bom Bom islet, Principe This small islet was a treasure trove of fungi species, and I wonder how many species will come out of the ground and rotten wood as…

Principe gilled fungus, unknown species

Principe gilled fungus, unknown species

Bom Bom islet, Principe The color palette of the fungi I encountered on the Bom Bom islet was surprisingly diverse and this species made me think of the…

Principe fungus, unknown species

Principe fungus, unknown species

Bom Bom islet, Principe I had many amazing moments on the forest floor of Bom Bom islet as there were so many fungi species with beautiful specimens. Some were…

Principe fungus, unknown species

Principe fungus, unknown species

Bom Bom islet, Principe With the very same color as the decaying leaves on the ground this is a species that is easily missed, even though it is quite large. I…

Kremle (Russula sp)

Kremle (Russula sp)

Det er bare to dager siden jeg var her sist, men alle soppene her har vokst enormt og nærmer seg nå siste stadiet før forråtnelse. Selv om denne kremlen…