Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

A large tree had fallen down, and under the root a small pond had formed. This together with a cone of light where the canopy of the fallen tree once was, I…

Clymena Eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena)

Clymena Eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena peruviana)

Clymena eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena peruviana) is one of several species diaethria found around Cristalino Jungle Lodge. This particular location is the…

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

I've shot cat’s-eye sapphire (Lasaia arsis) times before, but I just can't help myself - and this shot I think really shows the splendor of this species!……

Cynosura Eighty-eight (Callicore cynosura)

Cynosura Eighty-eight (Callicore cynosura)

Unfortunately I was unable to get a photo of the upperside of the wings (dorsal) of this cynosura eighty-eight (Callicore cynosura), but the ventral…

Clymena Eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena marchallii)

Clymena Eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena marchallii)

I had a hard time identifying this as clymena eighty-eight (Diaethria clymena marchallii), as all the photos available showed narrower black bands and white…

Astarte Eighty-eight (Callicore astarte)

Astarte Eighty-eight (Callicore astarte)

Most focus on the underside of the wings, or ventral, but the dorsal (upperside) is in my eyes equally wonderful. The problem is of course that this is rarely…

False Numberwing (Paulogramma pyracmon)

False Numberwing (Paulogramma pyracmon)

Most focus on the underside of the wings, or ventral, but the dorsal (upperside) is in my eyes equally wonderful. The problem is of course that this is rarely…

Godart's Numberwing (Catagramma pygas)

Godart’s Numberwing (Catagramma pygas)

I only saw Godart's numberwing (Catagramma pygas) once - at least with wings open. Most I saw of this species had their wings closed, thus I only saw the…

Eurota Purplewing (Eunica eurota)

Eurota Purplewing (Eunica eurota)

Eurota purplewing (Eunica eurota) is one of many wonderful species alongside the river bank of the Napo Wildlife Center welcome center. Like many species also…

Black-patched Metalmark (Lasaia agesilas)

Black-patched Metalmark (Lasaia agesilas)

I saw this black-patched metalmark (Lasaia agesilas) in dark undergrowth as well as in open sections alongside the Napo river. Also named Glittering Sapphire.…