Iris clarkei

Iris clarkei

Iris clarkei is found in Sikkim's temperate biome. Elevation: 3716 meters. Native range is Central Himalaya to China and Myanmar.

Southern Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii)

Southern Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii)

Southern warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii) is a common resident in Okavango. To me a funny looking creature that reminds me of dodgems, or…

Southern Steenbuck (Raphicerus campestris ssp. campestris)

Southern Steenbuck (Raphicerus campestris ssp. campestris)

The southern steenbuck (Raphicerus campestris ssp. campestris) is blending well with the dry grasses, both in color and small size as it reaches no more than…

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

At 10cm (4in) this is one of the smaller species of antpittas.

Chestnut-crowned antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

A rare encounter with a chestnut-crowned antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla). The secretive antpittas are heard for the most part and seen only when you patiently…

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Many of the antpitta species have incredible vocal abilities, and the rufous antpitta is one of those. They live in dense forests where the reach of sound is…

Gaur (Bos gaurus)

Gaur (Bos gaurus)

This magnificent animal is the largest of all wild cattle. Unfortunately humanity's insatiable desire to destroy habitats has decimated its numbers. Thus the…

Gaur (Bos gaurus)

Gaur (Bos gaurus)

Gaur (Bos gaurus) is a magnificent giant that only fears humans and tigers. It is the largest of all wild cattle and is also called Indian bison by many. Like…

Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

An encounter with a member of a group of Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus). In what seemed like a quiet morning with little wildlife in Kedarnath Musk…

Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)

My goal was to get a glimpse of this high altitude species, and on my first morning I did see a lone adult male quite near in. I did get a decent image and was…