Commelina albescens

Commelina albescens

Native range of Commelina albescens is Eritrea to Malawi, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan to West India Elevation: 641 meters.

Socotra warbler (Incana incana)

Socotra warbler (Incana incana)

I was on my way to the very eastern tip of Socotra, and was looking so much forward to the beach - alas! Last year torrential rain washed away the road from…

Commelina forskalaei

Commelina forskalaei

My first thought when I saw commelina forskalaei was that how did it come all the way here from South America. In Pantanal I found lots of Commelina erecta,…

Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

A large tree had fallen down, and under the root a small pond had formed. This together with a cone of light where the canopy of the fallen tree once was, I…

Lysippus Metalmark (Riodina lysippus)

Lysippus Metalmark (Riodina lysippus)

I visited Pantanal just as the rainy season was beginning, and the rivers still not covering the sandbanks. Thus I could enjoy all the different kinds of…

Storkransmose | Big shaggy-moss (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus)

Storkransmose | Big shaggy-moss (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus)

Enkelte steder vokser det rene skoger av denne mosen! Under kraftlinjen bak Sandbukta er det skyggefult og skogen holdes i sjakk her, dermed får mosen vokse…

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

Blåvingevannymfe (Calopteryx virgo)

En fantastisk flott øyenstikker som får meg til å assosiere med tropisk ovedådighet, men dette er altså ved det saktegående elvevannet som renner ut i…

Caricae Nymphidium (Nymphidium caricae)

Caricae Nymphidium (Nymphidium caricae)

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Derufata Nymphidium (Nymphidium derufata)

Derufata Nymphidium (Nymphidium derufata)

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Nymphidium chione

Nymphidium chione

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…