Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

I encountered Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) in bloom in a few places in Firhmin Forest. It is a very variable species, and is found with spatulate…

Trichodesma laxiflorum

Trichodesma laxiflorum

Trichodesma laxiflorum is endemic to Socotra.

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma)

Spade Flower (Pigea enneasperma) is a very variable species, to the extent that this one is possibly a subspecies due to its spatulate (spoon-shaped) leaves,…

Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia)

Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia)

My first and only encounter of Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia) on Socotra, and to my surprise not browsed by goats. This is likely because there is…

Heliotropium nigricans

Heliotropium nigricans

I was here in 2015 and then I struggled hard to find a single Heliotropium nigricans with a flower! That is how heavily browsed these plants were then. This…