Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae) er et treffende navn på denne vakre sommerfuglen, for oversiden av vingene er virkelig sterkt oransje. Desverre er ofte…

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana can be found with flowers almost any time of the year on Socotra, but where to find one is the question. This one was just next to the…

Beadbean (Maerua angolensis ssp. socotrana)

Beadbean (Maerua angolensis ssp. socotrana)

Maerua angolensis ssp. socotrana is a species with the unmistakable hanging branches that sway in the wind. It's found sporadically throughout Socotra, growing…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii has a strange looking, but edible fruit. I've encountered many in bloom in the northwest this visit, but only this one with fruit.…

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis) is found sporadically on Socotra and even rarer in bloom! Sometimes it grows under a bush, and you have to look…

Cartilage Caper (Capparis cartilaginea)

Cartilage Caper (Capparis cartilaginea)

Elevation: 263 meters. Native range is Egypt to Tanzania, Western Asia to Northwest India, Arabian Peninsula, Western Indian Ocean.

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana can be found with flowers almost any time of year on Socotra, but where to find one is the question. Elevation: 181 meters. Native range is…

Cadaba insularis

Cadaba insularis

This is likely the last mature individual of Cadaba insularis on Socotra, of this critically endangered species. This tree is possibly several hundred years…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana is the most common of the 5 Echidnopsis species found on Socotra, at least the one that when found is growing in very decent numbers. The…