Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) is found in many places on the northeastern plateau of Socotra where it grows in holes and cracks in the limestone. The…

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia)

The population of Narrow Stargrass (Hypoxis angustifolia) on Socotra has 4 tepals opposed to 6 in Africa. Native range is Tropical & South Africa, West Indian…

Aden Currybush (Lasiosiphon socotranus)

Aden Currybush (Lasiosiphon socotranus)

As I neared the plateau the shade of the otherwise imposing Hoq cliffs of north eastern Socotra, the landscape opened up and the sun reached the ground in full…

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

This was perhaps just another spring morning here in Bhutan, but to me it was such a special time at this location. This day started with such a beautiful and…

Yellow-cheeked tit (Machlolophus spilonotus)

Yellow-cheeked tit (Machlolophus spilonotus)

A brief encounter with yellow-cheeked tit (Machlolophus spilonotus), one of the many species (12 to date) of tits. It was foraging inside thickets alongside…

Tysbast (Daphne mezereum)

Tysbast (Daphne mezereum)

Etter en lang og mørk vinter er jeg virkelig sulten på liv, og søker kjente og kjære lokasjoner i området for å se hvordan det står til med planter og i dette…

Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)

A large tree had fallen down, and under the root a small pond had formed. This together with a cone of light where the canopy of the fallen tree once was, I…