Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)

Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)

The green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus) is a Tasmanian endemic, which means it lives nowhere else on Earth.

Seychelles Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)

Seychelles Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)

The Seychelles parrot is as its name implies endemic to the archipelago, which means it's a vulnerable species. In fact it's only found on one island, Praslin.…

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)

This wonderfully colored rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) is definitely into a balanced diet, as it will gladly take handouts like apples from us…

Great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor)

Great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor)

Socotra's Shuab beach is rich in flora and fauna due to a combination of a mangrove forest and steep cliffs providing shade until late in the morning. These…

Giant Red-winged Grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata)

Giant Red-winged Grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata)

The forest around the Amazon Research and Conservation Center is teaming with insects (ARCC), and on the base of a tree I found many attracted to sap coming…

Ladder-tailed nightjar (Hydropsalis climacocerca)

Ladder-tailed nightjar (Hydropsalis climacocerca)

Here in the Peruvian Amazon I found many nightjars around an oxbow lake at Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and this ladder-tailed nightjar…

Keiserkåpe (Argynnis paphia)

Keiserkåpe (Argynnis paphia)

Rundt Sjølitjernet og elven vokser det mye blåknapp (Succisa pratensis) og med det har man en møteplass for de lokale sommerfuglene, deriblant den vakre…

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Nightjars are naturally hard to see as they're nocturnal, but you definitely hear them and if you use their sound you can often locate them with a flashlight.…

Tistelsommerfugl (Vanessa cardui)

Tistelsommerfugl (Vanessa cardui)

Hver sensommer treffer jeg på tistelsommerfugl (Vanessa cardui), spesielt rundt stranden sør i Sandbukta - som her hos naboen lengst i sør. Den besøker ikke…

Myrperlemorvinge (Boloria aquilonaris)

Myrperlemorvinge (Boloria aquilonaris)

Myrperlemorvinge (Boloria aquilonaris) er et passende navn på en sommerfugl rundt en myr! Her hviler den på et langt starrstrå i sonen mellom land og…