Kattugle (Strix aluco)

Kattugle (Strix aluco)

Over tid la jeg merke til at spesielt på ettermiddagene var det et veldig spetakkel fra flere svarttroster i samme område. Første gang jeg sjekket fant jeg…

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Elevation: 479 meters.

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana is the most common of the orchids on Socotra, and is found where there is shade, water seepage and ample periods of moisture. It’s grows in…

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

Native range of Habenaria socotrana is Socotra and North Somalia. Elevation: 579 meters.

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana is the most common of the orchids on Socotra, and is found where there is shade, water seepage and ample periods of moisture. It’s grows in…

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana is the most common of the orchids on Socotra, and is found where there is shade, water seepage and ample periods of moisture. It’s grows in…

Diplomeris hirsuta

Diplomeris hirsuta

Diplomeris hirsuta is found in Sikkim's subtropical biome. Elevation: 210 meters. Native range is Himalaya to South Central China.

Crepidium khasianum

Crepidium khasianum

Crepidium khasianum is found in Sikkim's subtropical biome. Elevation: 1514 meters. Native range is Nepal to China and North Mainland Southeast Asia.