Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

This group of tufted capuchin (Cebus apella) raided the mango trees like there was no tomorrow!

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

Tufted capuchin (Cebus apella)

In this angle I think the name tufted is appropriate, but it's more commonly known as the brown capuchin. This tufted capuchin (Cebus apella) is naturally part…

White-whiskered Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus)

White-whiskered Spider Monkey (Ateles marginatus)

A group of spider monkeys was accompanying a group of capuchin monkeys. While the capuchins were busy raiding the mango trees in the garden of Cristalino…

Willowleaf Angelon (Angelonia salicariifolia)

Willowleaf Angelon (Angelonia salicariifolia)

The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. Native range of willowleaf…

Willowleaf Angelon (Angelonia salicariifolia)

Willowleaf Angelon (Angelonia salicariifolia)

The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. Native range of willowleaf…

Scoparia montevidensis

Scoparia montevidensis

Scoparia montevidensis sometimes grows into large, dense mats seen in part here. Native range is Mexico to Honduras, Venezuela to Argentina.