Plocama puberula

Plocama puberula

My first encounter with Plocama puberula. It's growing in a crack of the wall of Dirhur canyon, where it is accessing water seepage that lasts long after the…

Prikkperikum (Hypericum perforatum)

Prikkperikum (Hypericum perforatum)

Denne vakre prikkperikumengen har nå blomstret en stund og det er færre knopper å se på blomsterstandene. Det kan godt hende det er noen firkantperikum…

Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)

Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)

What an amazing experience it was to see this rare spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). I spotted it driving to the next destination on my schedule, and could…

Indian Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus ursinus)

Indian Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus ursinus)

A brief encounter with the rare Indian sloth bear (Melursus ursinus ursinus) as it quenches its thirst. It's the height of the dry season, with temperature…

Himalayan Pika (Ochotona roylei)

Himalayan Pika (Ochotona roylei)

This little cutie was in full swing eating the delicious primula flowers and other species now in bloom, but I just missed it having a mountful of flowers.…

Himalayan Pika (Ochotona roylei)

Himalayan Pika (Ochotona roylei)

This little cutie was in full swing eating the delicious primula flowers and other species now in bloom, and here it had a very short break on an outcrop to…

Pika (Ochotona)

Pika (Ochotona)

This is one of several pikas I encountered roaming around a small area of grassy ground, and it was in and out of this burrow as if playing hide and seek with…

Pika (Ochotona)

Pika (Ochotona)

I got up very early this morning to get to this location before sunrise to capture the snow capped mountains amongst the flowering rhododendrons, and I was…

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

A scruffy and lethargic polar bear (Ursus maritimus) resting on a shore on an islet that not long ago was under a glacier. While the polar bear struggles with…