Tridax daisy (Tridax procumbens)

Tridax daisy (Tridax procumbens)

Native range of tridax daisy (Tridax procumbens) is Mexico to southern South America.

Pantanal plant 33

Pantanal plant 33

My last day at Pousada Xaraés, and finally some rain! Not torrential, but at least sufficient to get the ground wet and muddy in some places. As I'm soon to…

Mosaic flower (Ludwigia sedioides)

Mosaic flower (Ludwigia sedioides)

I found none in bloom, so I wonder when the mosaic flower (Ludwigia sedioides) does bloom, as soon the locations they grow in will be under water again. Native…

Pavonia sidifolia

Pavonia sidifolia

Native range of pavonia sidifolia is Mexico to Paraguay.

Solanum acerifolium

Solanum palinacanthum

Native range of solanum palinacanthum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina. This plant has big spines high on its agenda, so apparently the leaves are delicious to…

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa)

Native range of wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa) is tropics and subtropics.

Mimosa sp

Mimosa sp

My last day at Pousada Xaraés, and finally some rain! Not torrential, but at least sufficient to get the ground wet and muddy in some places. As I'm soon to…

Pousada Xaraés, Pantanal

Pantanal (Pousada Xaraés)

The sun is setting behind the trees, and dusk is fast approaching. This vista is typical of this part of the Pantanal. Lush green even at the end of the dry…

Gray Brocket (Mazama gouazoubira)

Gray Brocket (Mazama gouazoubira)

Astonishingly this gray brocket (Mazama gouazoubira) was not startled by my approach (a 4x4), so I was able to take a couple of shots before it decided to move…

Pantanal plant 27 (Centrosema)

Pantanal plant 27 (Centrosema)

The soil on this part of Pantanal (between Corumbá and Miranda) is in many places fine sand - just like a desert or a beach. I was unable to find a plant with…