Skogstjerne (Lysimachia europaea)

Skogstjerne (Lysimachia europaea)

Går du en tur i skogen i mai/juni vil du nesten helt sikkert se en skogstjerne eller fler. Denne skogbunnens stjerne kan enkelte steder vokse i tette…

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Here I'm taking a short break from exploring the boswellias growing on the cliffs here. I encountered both Boswellia popoviana and Boswellia scopulorum here.…

Morten Ross in search of Boswellia nana

Morten Ross and Boswellia nana

Here I'm take a break in the land of Boswellia nana, the limestone plateau of Socotra's northwest. Elevation:584 meters.

Kransmynte (Clinopodium vulgare)

Kransmynte (Clinopodium vulgare)

Kransmynte (Clinopodium vulgare) har naturlig utbredelse i Makaronesia, Middelhavslandene, Europa til Sibir og Vest-Himalaya.

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Dense-flowered Loosestrife (Lysimachia congestiflora)

Dense-flowered Loosestrife (Lysimachia congestiflora)

Dense-flowered Loosestrife (Lysimachia congestiflora) is found in Sikkim's temperate biome. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China and…

Maesa chisia

Maesa chisia

Maesa chisia is found in Sikkim's subtropical to temperate biomes to 2400 meters elevation. Elevation: 1665 meters. Native range is Nepal to China and……

Lysimachia alternifolia

Lysimachia alternifolia

Lysimachia alternifolia is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2400 meters elevation. Elevation: 1550 meters. Native range is Himalaya to Assam.…

Androsace spinulifera

Androsace spinulifera

Androsace spinulifera is found in Sikkim's subtropical to alpine biomes to 4300 meters elevation. Elevation: 3874 meters. Native range is China.