Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Trichocalyx orbiculatus

Trichocalyx orbiculatus is similar to Trichocalyx orbiculatus, but with broader, orbicular leaves. Elevation: 409 meters. Endemic.

Barleria tetracantha

Barleria tetracantha

A young Barleria tetracantha finding foothold in a hole in the limestone of southwestern Socotra. When not in bloom it's recognized by the characteristic…

Vernonia cockburniana

Vernonia cockburniana

I only found a single flower on this Vernonia cockburniana, but when in bloom it must be a wonderful site with the pink flowers against the whitish leaves.…

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. Elevation: 263 meters. It is endemic to Socotra.……

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. During the summer months the southwestern monsoon reigns…

Vernonia cockburniana

Vernonia cockburniana

Elevation: 183 meters. Endemic. Vernonia…</p><hr class=

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida

Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…