Iphigenia socotrana

Iphigenia socotrana

My first encounter of Iphigenia socotrana, and what a perfect specimen! 22 October 2023 cyclone Tej hit Socotra, and with it extreme amounts of rain inundated…

Chalalan thundercloud

Chalalan thundercloud and time-lapse

The moon almost full, almost clear sky and stars visible in the moonlight and a growing thundercloud - all mixed in with a soundscape so loud and varied that I…

Engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Kan ikke huske å ha sett engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus) før. Den var på snarvisitt i hagen, men ikke kortere enn at jeg rakk å løpe inn etter kameraet før den…

Roraima thunderstorms

Roraima thunderstorms

The view from the camp site, or "hotel", atop Roraima was awesome. I was well protected from the elements in the cave, and could watch nature in all it's ways…