Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

As the name implies this is a fruit eater, and thus also a seed-disperser, yet I've never encountered it by any feeding stations. It blends in very well with…

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

This is such a unique looking species, unmistakable and like no other bird species. I've encountered it deep in the Canaima National Park in Venezuela, by the…

Combretum mellifluum

Combretum mellifluum

Native range of combretum mellifluum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina.

Combretum mellifluum

Combretum mellifluum

Native range of combretum mellifluum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina.

Sunbittern (Eurypyga helias)

Sunbittern (Eurypyga helias)

My first, brief encounter with sunbittern (Eurypyga helias) in Pantanal. It took off right after this shot, so I was unable to get a shot in the clear at this…

Blåmose (Leucobryum glaucum)

Blåmose (Leucobryum glaucum)

Jeg har kun funnet en bestand av denne bladmose arten i området, men det er i tillegg en stor gruppe som vokser i en vestvendt skråning i Sandbukta. Den minner…

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

From the two canopy towers of Cristalino Jungle Lodge you have a fantastic bird's eye view over the treetops, and you can see many of the canopy dwellers like…

Comet PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)

Comet PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)

Not often you can see a comet this big over a light polluted capital like Oslo!