Sandlo (Charadrius hiaticula)

Sandlo (Charadrius hiaticula)

Dette er første møte med sandlo (Charadrius hiaticula) på Fyrsteilene for meg. Jeg satt stille og rolig mens den kom nærmere og nærmere meg i sin søken etter…

South African Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus inauris)

South African Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus inauris)

The South African ground squirrel (Geosciurus inauris) squirrel is as cute to us humans as any species of squirrels with their fast pace an entertaining…

Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)

Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)

A common species in Costa Rica, and a frequent visitor to easy meals provided by humans - just like the squirrels in Europe and North America, except it is not…

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Denne sommeren har vært den morsomste av alle årene jeg har bodd her når det kommer til ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris). Av en eller annen grunn har minst to…

Corchorus erodioides UV

Corchorus erodioides UV

Another example of a yellow flower in visible light that is very dark in UV. It is endemic to Socotra.

Corchorus erodioides

Corchorus erodioides

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting flowers, and luckily some not destroyed by goats, like this…

Corchorus erodioides

Corchorus erodioides

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting flowers, and luckily some not destroyed by goats, like this…

Pied Plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus)

Pied Plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus)

On some of the sandbanks I saw pied plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus) chicks, like this one. At first I only noticed the adults, but As I noticed they were not…

Pied Plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus)

Pied Plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus)

Many of the larger sand banks were housing one or more pied plover (Hoploxypterus cayanus) families rearing their chicks. The chicks need to be able to fly…