Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Native range is Somalia & Socotra. Elevation: 16 meters.

Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Elevation: 16 meters. Native range is Somalia & Socotra.

Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Convolvulus hildebrandtii

Native range is Somalia & Socotra. Elevation: 16 meters.

Obscure Morning Glory (Ipomoea obscura)

Obscure Morning Glory (Ipomoea obscura)

Obscure Morning Glory (Ipomoea obscura) is a variable species that can be difficult to identify as the flower comes in cream, yellow or orange seen here. I've…

Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicolais found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4600 meters elevation. Elevation: 3468 meters. Native range is East Afghanistan to China.…

Convolvulus sarmentosus

Convolvulus sarmentosus

There is a short window of opportunity for many of the plant species on Socotra that are most sensitive to the winter rains for growth and blossom. For one…

Purple-throat Morning Glory (Ipomoea sinensis)

Purple-throat Morning Glory (Ipomoea sinensis)

Socotra is still vibrant with life after the generous winter rains this year. Perhaps it is due to the La Nina, and this will be the best winter rains in a few…

Fiskemåke (Larus canus)

Fiskemåke (Larus canus)

Årets hekkesesong for fiskemåke (Larus canus) har vært en fantastisk suksess! Denne flyvedyktige ungen er en av over 100 som nå må klare seg på egen hånd.…

Fiskemåke (Larus canus)

Fiskemåke (Larus canus)

Sommeren 2021 har vært en dundrende suksess for fiskemåke (Larus canus) på Fyrsteilene med over 100 unger i flyvedyktig alder. Her har et fiskemåkepar klart å…