Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

With the same color combination as the thick-billed euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris), the orange-bellied euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster) might be difficult to…

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

With the same color combination as the thick-billed euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris) it might be difficult to separate it from the orange-bellied euphonia…

Spot-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia imitans)

Spot-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia imitans)

A female foraging for fruits. Its plumage ensures it blends perfectly with the foliage, and is best seen if you offer fruits or have a preferred fruiting tree…

Olive-backed euphonia (Euphonia gouldi)

Olive-backed euphonia (Euphonia gouldi)

A small bird blending perfectly with the foliage of the canopy where it forages for fruits. The best way to get up close is to offer a selection of fruits in…

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis)

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis)

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis) is a beautiful high-elevation dweller, seen here around the Tungnath temple during the full moon of April…

2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

What an incredible number of coincidences in one night! First of all a clear night - a rarity this summer! Add the first aurora borealis after the bright…

Rutemåler (Chiasmia clathrata)

Rutemåler (Chiasmia clathrata)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Physalaemus sp

Physalaemus sp

It looks much like Whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus), but I'm not certain, as I don't recall whether this one had the miauing sound or not. So any ID…

Whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus)

Whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus)

The sound of the whistling frog (Physalaemus albonotatus) is hilarious, and I immediately wanted it as a ring tone! Especially fascinating when you reach a…

Leptodactylus chaquensis

Leptodactylus chaquensis

This frog, a leptodactylus chaquensis, was one of several of the species roaming the ground around the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal. I had to be careful…