Diapensia himalaica

Diapensia himalaica

Diapensia himalaica is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 5000 meters elevation. Elevation: 3789 meters. Native range is East Nepal to China and…

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella) er en hardfør plante som trives i lysfattige skogbunner og er lett å kjenne igjen. Her vokser den i et dalsøkk med dype torvmoser…

Plocama puberula

Plocama puberula

My first encounter with Plocama puberula. It's growing in a crack of the wall of Dirhur canyon, where it is accessing water seepage that lasts long after the…

Jordhumle (Bombus)

Jordhumle (Bombus)

En Jordhumle (Bombus) henter mat fra en aksveronika (Veronica spicata). Når gressløken blomstret og farget store deler av Fyrsteilene lilla i begynnelsen av…

Jordhumle (Bombus)

Jordhumle (Bombus)

En Jordhumle (Bombus) henter mat fra en aksveronika (Veronica spicata). Humlene på Fyrsteilene har mange plantearter å velge mellom fra våren til sensommeren,…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered several red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One had a damaged front leg and…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I encountered quite a few red foxes during my days in Hokkaido, but was surprised to see so many of them injured in various ways. One Hokkaido red Fox (Vulpes…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one went straight through a group of red-crowned cranes. It…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one is heading towards a group of red-crowned cranes. It was…

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

Hokkaido Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki)

I had quite a few Hokkaido red fox (Vulpes vulpes ssp. schrencki) encounters in Hokkaido, and this one is heading towards a group of red-crowned cranes. It was…