Thick-billed Euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris)

Thick-billed Euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris)

A brilliantly colored male of the thick-billed euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris) often seen at feeding stations in its range in Ecuador. It sounds like this:……

Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Namibia's Walvis Bay area is rich in wildlife, reliant on the abundance of marine life found in the cold and nutrient rich Atlantic waters, governed by the…

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Speckled Dashers (Genus Micrathyria)

ARCC dragonfly 03

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 02

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 01

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus) is a truly amazing butterfly, and as I recall the only one of the species I encountered here at SouthWild Pantanal. Here it's visiting…

Hårfrytle (Luzula pilosa)

Hårfrytle (Luzula pilosa)

Hårfrytle (Luzula pilosa) gjør ikke mye av seg og de fleste legger ikke engang merke til den. Likevel er dette en av de aller første vekstene som blomstrer, og…

Galapagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana)

Galápagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana)

Galápagos Acacia (Acacia rorudiana) is endemic to Galapagos.