Elathea Yellow (Eurema elathea)

Elathea Yellow (Eurema elathea)

A small sandbank not far from the pier of Fazenda San Fransico was crowded with a great number of butterflies, and I was fortunate to disembark and get some…

Pelidnota sordida

Pelidnota sordida

A brief encounter with pelidnota sordida, one of countless insect species in this magnificent park.

Tandayapa Lepidoptera 27

Phrygionis polita

Phrygionis polita is a moth with nature's own Henna paint. It seems like metallic paint, as it's elevated from the rest of the wing surface.…

Hoppeedderkopp (Sitticus terebratus)

Hoppeedderkopp (Aellurius v-insignitus)

Når jeg ligger på magen og soler meg får jeg et nærblikk på alle gjøremål på svabergnivå. I dag var det denne hoppeedderkoppen (en hunn) som virkelig sto frem…

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Most of the daytime (diurnal) butterflies were either hard to get close to, were restlessly fluttering around never to settle down more than a blink of an eye,…