Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær kan kanskje ligne på blåbær i forbifarten, men både blomsten og frukten er veldig forskjellig. En smak på frukten vil gi smaksløkene umiddelbar…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii has a strange looking, but edible fruit. I've encountered many in bloom in the northwest this visit, but only this one with fruit.…

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Morten Ross and Boswellia scopulorum

Here I'm taking a short break from exploring the boswellias growing on the cliffs here. I encountered both Boswellia popoviana and Boswellia scopulorum here.…

Morten Ross in search of Boswellia nana

Morten Ross and Boswellia nana

Here I'm take a break in the land of Boswellia nana, the limestone plateau of Socotra's northwest. Elevation:584 meters.

Vaniljerot (Monotropa hypopitys)

Vaniljerot (Monotropa hypopitys)

Vaniljerot (Monotropa hypopitys) har naturlig utbredelse i temperert nordlige halvkule til Mellom-Amerika .

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum) is found in Sikkim's temperate forests. Elevation: 2775 meters. Native range is Indian Subcontinent to Temperate East…

Rhododendron camelliiflorum

Rhododendron camelliiflorum

Rhododendron camelliiflorum is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4300 meters elevation. A parasitic and terrestrial species. This specimen is…

Sikkim plant

Sikkim plant

Elevation: 2775 meters. Sikkim plant