Berberis hookeri

Berberis hookeri

Elevation: 3320 meters. Native range is Central Nepal to North Myanmar and South Tibet.

Grågås (Anser anser)

Grågås (Anser anser)

I går kom 5 små Grågås (Anser anser) nøster til verden, noe som var synlige for de som bryr seg om livet i naturen. For når ungene kommer ut av eggene hviler…

Bushveld Saucerberry (Cordia quercifolia)

Bushveld Saucerberry (Cordia quercifolia)

Bushveld Saucerberry (Cordia quercifolia) keys: leaves opposite or subopposite, densely reticulate on both surfaces (A G Miller). There are three Cordia…

Heliotropium aegyptiacum

Heliotropium aegyptiacum

Native range of Heliotropium aegyptiacum is Egypt to North Kenya and Arabian Peninsula.

Heliotropium sokotranum

Heliotropium sokotranum

As several other species this one is growing to its full potential here, in and by the sand dunes of Arher.

Trichodesma laxiflorum

Trichodesma laxiflorum

Trichodesma laxiflorum is endemic to Socotra.

Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia)

Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia)

My first and only encounter of Greyleaf Heliotrope (Euploca ovalifolia) on Socotra, and to my surprise not browsed by goats. This is likely because there is…

Heliotropium nigricans

Heliotropium nigricans

I was here in 2015 and then I struggled hard to find a single Heliotropium nigricans with a flower! That is how heavily browsed these plants were then. This…