Diapensia himalaica

Diapensia himalaica

Diapensia himalaica is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 5000 meters elevation. Elevation: 3789 meters. Native range is East Nepal to China and…

Vandrefalk (Falco peregrinus)

Vandrefalk (Falco peregrinus)

De hekkende fiske- og hettemåkene oppførte seg plutselig veldig uvanlig ved å samlet fly utpå sjøen og varsle intenst. Makrellternene forsvant helt. Men…

Northern crested caracara (Caracara cheriway)

Northern crested caracara (Caracara cheriway)

A clever, opportunistic omnivore often seen perched high as seen here, surveying the land for food. It will jump at any opportunity, even if it means stealing…

Skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)

Skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)

En "blødende" skarp rustbrunpigg (Hydnellum peckii)! Mangfoldet og antallet sopp som vokser i skogen nå er mer enn jeg kan huske på flere tiår. Det er helt…

Cocculus balfourii

Cocculus balfourii

On my way down from my 2 nights in the Haghier mountains I encountered many incredible plant species, many only found here. As it was my last day time was in…

White-banded Swallow (Atticora fasciata)

White-banded Swallow (Atticora fasciata)

If you're on or by a river in the Amazon rain forest you will see the white-banded swallow (Atticora fasciata), sometimes a single one like here, or if you're…

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is such a tiny bird of prey, and when they sit still in the rain like this, they're easily missed, as no prey is making any…

Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)

Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)

I was approaching by car, but the southern crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) didn't even flinch! Perhaps it was injured? Not at all! This is just the…

Brown-Chested Martin (Progne tapera)

Brown-Chested Martin (Progne tapera)

Brown-Chested martin (Progne tapera) is a common swallow in Pantanal, and around Pousada Xaraés it has excellent nesting sites as the closest river has high…

Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)

Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus)

A common bird, often seen walking on the ground more than in the air. It's opportunistic, and this is exactly what it's doing here - waiting for an opportunity…