Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum

Tetrastigma rumicispermum is found in Sikkim's tropical to temperate biomes to 2500 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to China…

Cissus paniculata

Cissus paniculata

My first and only encounter with Cissus paniculata on Socotra. A large and vital specimen, growing in the cracks of a vertical cliff by a creek where it was…

Cissus hamaderohensis

Cissus hamaderohensis

This mature Cissus hamaderohensis is using a croton socotranus as support to reach high above ground. It's easily identified by the rectangular stem. This…

Steller's Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

Steller’s Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

During the winter months the Steller's sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) follow their food source cod and pollock to the northern coast of Hokkaido. Where…

Steller's Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

Steller’s Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)

During the winter months the Steller's sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) follow their food source cod and pollock to the northern coast of Hokkaido. Where…

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

During winter the White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is found together with the visiting Steller’s sea eagles on the northern coast of Hokkaido. Here…

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

During winter the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is found together with the visiting Steller's sea eagles on the northern coast of Hokkaido. Here…

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

During winter the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is found together with the visiting Steller’s sea eagles on the northern coast of Hokkaido. Here…

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

During winter the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is found together with the visiting Steller’s sea eagles on the northern coast of Hokkaido. Here…