Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae) er et treffende navn på denne vakre sommerfuglen, for oversiden av vingene er virkelig sterkt oransje. Desverre er ofte…

Kattugle (Strix aluco)

Kattugle (Strix aluco)

Over tid la jeg merke til at spesielt på ettermiddagene var det et veldig spetakkel fra flere svarttroster i samme område. Første gang jeg sjekket fant jeg…

Himalayan Whorlflower (Morina longifolia)

Himalayan Whorlflower (Morina longifolia)

Himalayan Whorlflower (Morina longifolia) is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4300 meters elevation. Elevation: 3468 meters. Native range is…

Bassecoia hookeri

Bassecoia hookeri

Bassecoia hookeri is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4900 meters elevation. Elevation: 3948 meters. Native range is Central Himalaya to China.…

Bassecoia hookeri

Bassecoia hookeri

Bassecoia hookeri is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4900 meters elevation. Elevation: 3874 meters. Native range is Central Himalaya to China.…

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum)

Winged Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum armatum) is found in Sikkim's temperate forests. Elevation: 2775 meters. Native range is Indian Subcontinent to Temperate East…

Giant Himalayan Lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum)

Giant Himalayan Lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum)

The Giant Himalayan Lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum) is found in Sikkim's subtropical to temperate biomes to around 3700 meters elevation. Elevation: 2775……

Morina nepalensis

Morina nepalensis

Morina nepalensis is found in sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 5000 meters elevation. Elevation: 4029 meters. Native range is Himalaya to South Tibet and…

Streptopus simplex

Streptopus simplex

Streptopus simplex is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4600 meters elevation. Elevation: 3636 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China .