Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora is a common species on Socotra's northwestern limestone plateau (Hamaderoh) where this is captured, and the Haghier mountains. Endemic.…

Violet Zoanthids (Zoanthus sansibaricus)

Violet Zoanthids (Zoanthus sansibaricus)

Socotra's biodiversity on land is undisputed and world famous, but it is equally diverse on the coast and in the sea. I am focusing on the terrestrial realm…

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)

Kingfishers are known for fishing, but fish is not big on the laughing kookaburras menu. It will sit perched high like a fence post seen here, and wait for…

Principe kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus nais)

Principe kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus nais)

During my stay on Principe I had a lot of lovely encounters with one of the resident pairs of the endemic Principe kingfisher (Corythornis cristatus nais). If…

Searsia thyrsiflora UV

Searsia thyrsiflora UV

Searsia thyrsiflora is nNot particularly colorful in visible light and even less so in UV - all dark as it is. Endemic.

Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

I found this searsia thyrsiflora, and many others on top of Socotra – Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season.…

Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

I found this searsia thyrsiflora, and many others on top of Socotra - Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season.…

Gray ministreak (Ministrymon azia)

Gray ministreak (Ministrymon azia)

Yet another interesting species I found on the many sandbanks - some locations I found them in groups like here. It's very small but beautiful genus in the…

Nodding Nixie (Apteria aphylla)

Nodding Nixie (Apteria aphylla)

Native range of nodding nixie (Apteria aphylla) is suptropical to tropical America.

Rød skogsmaur (Formica rufa)

Rød skogsmaur (Formica rufa)

I Delignsdalen like før Bjørnsrud står en enorm maurtue. Den har stått her i mange tiår og viser ingen tegn til svekkelse. Det merkelige er at den ligger…