Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi is a favorite of the goats of Socotra, so why is this one seemingly untouched? The winter rains of this season were good and have ensured…

Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi

Lavandula nimmoi is a favorite of the goats of Socotra, so why is this one seemingly untouched? The winter rains of this season were good and have ensured…

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

My first encounter with Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus) on Socotra, near the plateau above the cliffs of Hoq. The goats have easy access to this…

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota is endemic to Socotra. Micromeria…</p><hr class=

Socotran Pomegranate (Punica protopunica)

Socotran Pomegranate (Punica protopunica)

A vibrant, healthy and quite tall Socotran Pomegranate (Punica protopunica), found next to the walls of the north east of Socotra. These vertical cliffs…

Teucrium socotranum

Teucrium socotranum

A large, lush and vital specimen of Teucrium socotranum as it is growing out of reach for the goats. I've encountered it in rocky slopes where they are browsed…

Geranium biuncinatum

Geranium biuncinatum

The vertical cliffs of the north-east Socotra are home to many plant species, including this Geranium biuncinatum, that thrive in the protective shadow of the…