Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae) er et treffende navn på denne vakre sommerfuglen, for oversiden av vingene er virkelig sterkt oransje. Desverre er ofte…

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Elevation: 479 meters.

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

Socotra Joker (Byblia anvatara ssp. boydi)

One of many species of butterflies found on Socotra. Native range is Africa up to the Arabian peninsula. Elevation: 554 meters.

Withania adunensis

Withania adunensis

Withania adunensis is less common than the similar Withania riebeckii. The are distinguished by the fruiting calyx in Withania riebeckii being narrowly…

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana

Habenaria socotrana is the most common of the orchids on Socotra, and is found where there is shade, water seepage and ample periods of moisture. It’s grows in…