Southern Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii)

Southern Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii)

Southern warthog (Phacochoerus africanus ssp. sundevallii) is a common resident in Okavango. To me a funny looking creature that reminds me of dodgems, or…

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

At around 800 meter elevation and up the Euryops arabicus were in bloom and thus a lot of insects gathered to eat from the huge number of flowers. This was one…

Pantanal lepidoptera 02

Pantanal lepidoptera 02

One of just a few nocturnal lepidopteras I encountered at SouthWild Pantanal. I wonder how many species you can see here in the high season... Please help me…

Pantanal lepidoptera 01

Pantanal lepidoptera 01

One of just a few nocturnal lepidopteras I encountered at SouthWild Pantanal. I wonder how many species you can see here in the high season... Please help me…

Diaphania sp.

Diaphania sp.

One of the last nocturnals before diurnal life set in - I was on my way to breakfast, and it was on its way to a safe place for the day. Please help me…

Feral Pig (Sus scrofa)

Feral Pig (Sus scrofa)

Once upon a time humans settled on the Pantanal, and they brought pigs. One day some escaped and found lovers in the wild! The result is what you see here.…

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

The color of the swifts match that of the rocks they cling to, so unless you know what to look for you'll most likely pass by focused as you are on the…

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

These swifts are impervious to the force of the water as well as being able to stay dry whatever the conditions.

Iguaçu Moth 01

Iguaçu Moth 01

I didn't have time exploring the nightlife during my stay inside the park, but this is one of a few I found resting during my diurnal activities. Please help…

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex)

These swifts seem to be untouched by the laws of physics. They move in and out of the raging falls as if it's air, and fly as close to the water as possible.…