Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii)

Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii)

Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii) is a beautiful species with a very unique vocalization that adds depth and mystery to the myriads of songs in the forest.…

Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii)

Rufous Motmot (Baryphthengus martii)

A beautiful species with a very unique vocalization that adds depth and mystery to the myriads of songs in the forest. Sometimes it will rhythmically move the…

Peppered Moray (Gymnothorax pictus)

Peppered Moray (Gymnothorax pictus)

When I had some time on a small beach on the way to Shuab beach of west Socotra I found lots of interesting marine life, but was surprised to see this young…

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

Native range of ouratea spectabilis is Bolivia and Brazil.

Ouratea spectabilis

Ouratea spectabilis

A very strange shape I think, and I wonder what has driven it to these shapes, and in particular the color inside! If you squeeze the fruit, or simply pass a…

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Enkelte steder i Gjersjøen står myrkongle (Calla palustris) så tett at de er helt dominerende. De trives der det er skikkelig gjørmete. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

I sumpområdene rundt Gjersjøen er det store mengder myrkongle (Calla palustris), og nå var mange alt rødmende. Vannstanden er flere titalls centimeter lavere…

Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota)

Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota)

Catching a glimpse of the beautiful blue-crowned motmot in front of its nest is really a treat, but with a frog in its beak - wow! That was amazing - thank…

Broad-billed Motmot (Electron platyrhynchum)

Broad-billed Motmot (Electron platyrhynchum)

The Broad-billed Motmot is common in Tinalandia and can sometimes be seen eating the Papaya from the feeders by the restaurant. If you don't see them you…

Poecilandra retusa

Poecilandra retusa

This small tree grows alongside the path to Roraima and is common all over the Gran Sabana. Native range is Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.