Åkersnelle (Equisetum arvense)

Åkersnelle (Equisetum arvense)

Jeløyas strender er hjem til mange vakre plantearter, men akkurat her er det en stor bestand av Åkersnelle (Equisetum arvense) som har funne seg til rette.…

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus) is a truly amazing butterfly, and as I recall the only one of the species I encountered here at SouthWild Pantanal. Here it's visiting…

Gray ministreak (Ministrymon azia)

Gray ministreak (Ministrymon azia)

Yet another interesting species I found on the many sandbanks - some locations I found them in groups like here. It's very small but beautiful genus in the…

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Enkelte steder i Gjersjøen står myrkongle (Calla palustris) så tett at de er helt dominerende. De trives der det er skikkelig gjørmete. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

Myrkongle (Calla palustris)

I sumpområdene rundt Gjersjøen er det store mengder myrkongle (Calla palustris), og nå var mange alt rødmende. Vannstanden er flere titalls centimeter lavere…

Annulata Beauty (Colobura annulata)

Annulata Beauty (Colobura annulata)

Further up the Cristalino River, the first rapids and a small island with a great tree, Cristalino Jungle Lodge has a small farm and here I found several…

Ortilia gentina

Ortilia gentina

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Tiger Crescent (Eresia eunice)

Tiger Crescent (Eresia eunice)

Every day I enjoyed the many butterflies around my room, and this was the only tiger crescent (Eresia eunice) I encountered during my stay. Also called Eunice…

Amazon Beauty (Baeotus aeilus)

Amazon Beauty (Baeotus aeilus)

This particular location is the “shipyard” of Cristalino Jungle Lodge (where the boats are taken on land), which was crowded with many different species.…

West Indian Buckeye (Junonia evarete)

West Indian Buckeye (Junonia evarete)

This West Indian buckeye (Junonia evarete) is old and worn out, but still in good health as it was by no means sitting still when I repeatedly approached.…