Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae) er et treffende navn på denne vakre sommerfuglen, for oversiden av vingene er virkelig sterkt oransje. Desverre er ofte…

Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicola

Parnassia nubicolais found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 4600 meters elevation. Elevation: 3468 meters. Native range is East Afghanistan to China.…

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex)

Large Caltrops (Pedalium murex) ia an introduced species to Socotra that spreads from gardens, and date groves. Native range is West Tropical Africa to Eritrea…

Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

Coeliades anchises ssp. jucunda

This winter has seen a good amount of rain, resulting in lots of growth. At this location I encountered several species of insects, including two species of…

Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus)

Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus)

A very busy male of the mimic (Hypolimnas misippus), rarely resting for long, so this was my only opportunity and shot of this species at this location. During…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)

During the winter months male sika Deer (Cervus nippon), called bucks or stags, wander out to the coast, and in this case to the beautiful Notsuke Peninsula,…