Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

This group of Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) grow on Socotra's Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. Elevation: 409 meters. It is endemic to…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) is a common species on Socotra, and you’ll likely see them in all vegetative stages ranging from in severely lack of water to huge,…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) is a common species on Socotra, and you’ll likely see them in all vegetative stages ranging from in severely lack of water to huge,…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) is a common species on Socotra, and you’ll likely see them in all vegetative stages ranging from in severely lack of water to huge,…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) is a common species on Socotra, and you’ll likely see them in all vegetative stages ranging from in severely lack of water to huge,…

Iphigenia socotrana

Iphigenia socotrana

My first encounter of Iphigenia socotrana, and what a perfect specimen! 22 October 2023 cyclone Tej hit Socotra, and with it extreme amounts of rain inundated…

Grågås (Anser anser)

Grågås (Anser anser)

I går kom 5 små Grågås (Anser anser) nøster til verden, noe som var synlige for de som bryr seg om livet i naturen. For når ungene kommer ut av eggene hviler…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Not far from here I encountered a large colony of vibrant Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi) without a single inflorescence. Here an equally vibrant, albeit smaller…

Onion-Leafed Asphodel (Asphodelus fistulosus)

Annual Asphodel (Asphodelus tenuifolius)

The lush plain of Homhil is an amazingly beautiful sight as it is as short-lived state. In some years the winter rains are meager and sparse, resulting in…

Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)

Perry’s Aloe (Aloe perryi)

A dense and very vibrant colony of Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi), but with no inflorescences. This is a common species on Socotra, and you will likely see them…