Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella) er en hardfør plante som trives i lysfattige skogbunner og er lett å kjenne igjen. Her vokser den i et dalsøkk med dype torvmoser…

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The trail to Hoq cave is a great place to see the Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana), as they are easily seen from the trail. Endemic.

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The endemic Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana) and the Socotra Rock Gecko (Pristurus sokotranus) are species commonly seen in the same landscape throughout…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Hokkaido is one of the very best places to see the endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). There are several stable roosting sites in rivers, and…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Hokkaido is one of the very best places to see the endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). There are several stable roosting sites in rivers, and…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

A very popular location in Hokkaido to watch the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) roosting is Setsuri River from the Otowa Bridge. This is a long time…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

A very popular location in Hokkaido to watch the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) roosting is Setsuri River from the Otowa Bridge. This is a long time…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Hokkaido is one of the very best places to see the endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). There are several stable roosting sites in rivers, and…

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis)

Hokkaido is one of the very best places to see the endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). There are several stable roosting sites in rivers, and…

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Om våren kan gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella) danne irrgrønne tepper på mørke skogbunner og der det er litt ekstra lys kan de være som matter av hvitveis,…