Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus)

Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus)

Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus) vokser i og nær vann, som her i et skogkledt tilsig til Nydammen, nord for Gjersjøen. Naturlig utbredelse i Europa,…

Violet Zoanthids (Zoanthus sansibaricus)

Violet Zoanthids (Zoanthus sansibaricus)

Socotra's biodiversity on land is undisputed and world famous, but it is equally diverse on the coast and in the sea. I am focusing on the terrestrial realm…

Strandkjeks (Ligusticum scothicum)

Strandkjeks (Ligusticum scothicum)

Strandkjeks (Ligusticum scothicum) er en av mange arter som trives og vokser til nydelige eksemplarer på Jeløyas rullesteinstrender. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Villgulrot (Daucus carota)

Villgulrot (Daucus carota)

Villgulrot (Daucus carota) er en toåring plante som jeg kun har funnet ett sted på Fyrsteilene. Den kan ha kommet hit med mennesker eller fuglene og er av…

Southern Lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita)

Southern Lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita)

Three linonesses of a pride of more than 10 southern lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita) quenching their thirst in one of few places left with water as the…

Southern Serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval)

Southern Serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval)

Following this beautiful southern serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval) during its morning hunt was amazing. It did not pay much notice to my presence and I…

Southern Serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval)

Southern Serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval)

Following this beautiful southern serval (Leptailurus serval ssp. serval) during its morning hunt was amazing. It did not pay much notice to my presence and I…

Southern Lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita)

Southern Lion (Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita)

A young lion giving me the stare, wondering what to make of me.

Southern and Eastern African Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus ssp. jubatus)

Southern and Eastern African Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus ssp. jubatus)

A female southern and eastern African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus ssp. jubatus) leading her cubs to a new resting site as the rising sun heats up the land,…