Pale Jezebel (Delias sanaca)

Pale Jezebel (Delias sanaca)

A Pale Jezebel (Delias sanaca) caught in the web, but it died by exhaustion rather than poison as the spider would normally wrap it in silk. Was it too big for…

Grågås (Anser anser)

Grågås (Anser anser)

I går kom 5 små Grågås (Anser anser) nøster til verden, noe som var synlige for de som bryr seg om livet i naturen. For når ungene kommer ut av eggene hviler…

Bicyclus anynana (ssp. socotrana)

Bicyclus anynana (ssp. socotrana)

In places Bicyclus anynana (ssp. socotrana) is commonly seen on socotra, like this one alongside the trail to Hoq cave.

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The trail to Hoq cave is a great place to see the Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana), as they are easily seen from the trail. Endemic.

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana)

The endemic Socotra Mabuya (Trachylepis socotrana) and the Socotra Rock Gecko (Pristurus sokotranus) are species commonly seen in the same landscape throughout…

Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis)

Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis)

This was a lovely encounter as they were so relaxed and unprovoked by my presence. They are not endemic to Socotra and are as such not a threatened species.…