Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Dette må være den største bestanden av tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris) jeg har kommet over. De vokser kun i et lite område langs en skogsvei som nylig har…

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Som soldugg må tettegress opptre langt mer vennlig mot sine ofre ellers i sesongen når de trenger å formere seg. Derfor er blomsten hevet høyt over de klebrige…

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær kan kanskje ligne på blåbær i forbifarten, men både blomsten og frukten er veldig forskjellig. En smak på frukten vil gi smaksløkene umiddelbar…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata is a common and very variable species. In fact so variable that it was previously separated into three species: D lanceolata - if you look…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata is a common and very variable species. In fact so variable that it was previously separated into three species: D lanceolata - if you look…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata is a common and very variable species. In fact so variable that it was previously separated into three species: D lanceolata - if you look…

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata

Dirichletia obovata is a common and very variable species. In fact so variable that it was previously separated into three species: D lanceolata - if you look…

Dirichletia virgata

Dirichletia virgata

Dirichletia virgata is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 295 meters.

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata is common throughout Socotra, and grows from sea-level to 800-900 meters elevation. After the rains you will find them in bloom, and easy…

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata

Oldenlandia pulvinata is common throughout Socotra, and grows from sea-level to 800-900 meters elevation. After the rains you will find them in bloom, and easy…