Bukkeblad (Menyanthes trifoliata)

Bukkeblad (Menyanthes trifoliata)

Blomstene til bukkeblad (Menyanthes trifoliata) står som hvite fyrtårn og er blant de mest iøynefallende blomstene på myren ved Sjølitjernet. Naturlig…

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)

Blokkebær kan kanskje ligne på blåbær i forbifarten, men både blomsten og frukten er veldig forskjellig. En smak på frukten vil gi smaksløkene umiddelbar…

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. Elevation: 263 meters. It is endemic to Socotra.……

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This Ochradenus socotranus grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. During the summer months the southwestern monsoon reigns…

Cadaba insularis

Cadaba insularis

This Cadaba insularis is able to hold on to life by growing entangled with a Lycium sokotranum. Lycium sokotranum is also very popular with goats, so here two…

Boswellia nana

Boswellia nana

Boswellia nana is found in few and isolated areas where they are heavily browsed by the goats. I have not found a single specimen growing to its full…

Socotra plant (unknown)

Socotra plant (unknown)

Elevation: 595 meters. Socotra plant (unknown)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

In some areas the Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus) is found as sporadic individuals, while in other locations they are quite numerous, as is the case here…