Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea)

Gul nøkkerose (Nuphar lutea) er en umiskjennelig og kjær plante vi finner i tjern, vann og elver. Enkelte steder kan en komme på nært hold helt tørrskodd, som…

Bennett's Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)

Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)

At first I thought I encountered an albino Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus), but it just a very light-colored variation to the norm…

Bennett's Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)

Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus)

Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus ssp. rufogriseus) is a common sight in Tasmania, but unfortunately also commonly killed by cars. Throughout Tasmania I…

Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)

Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)

In many places the various species of wallabies have become so used to humans that they come out and up close to check you out. As they are herbivores I find…

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

Ballestas Islands off Paracas in Peru is one of very few protected areas of the Puruvian coast, and it's teaming with life. This group of South American sea…

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

The oxbow lake at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center is teaming with life, and is an excellent location to get up and close to the smooth-billed ani…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is a very common bird in Pantanal, but I think they are worth a photo nonetheless, especially when a group of fledgelings sit in a…

Maurgullbasse (Protaetia cuprea)

Maurgullbasse (Protaetia cuprea)

Om du ikke ser denne fantastiske billen, så kan du høre den dype summingen når den flyr. Hver sommer ser jeg maurgullbasse (Protaetia cuprea) slå seg ned på…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

The guira cuckoo (Guira guira) has a peculiar morning ritual - to open a patch of skin at the base of the back and face it directly at the sun. Perhaps they…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is common bird of the Pantanal and was always around the houses of Fazenda San Fransico - single like this one or in groups. Here…